17 June, 2018How to add search option to your static JAMStack site using Algolia Search and Algolia DocSearch. 31 May, 2018Test driven REST API documentation as an alternative to traditional Swagger docs. 21 May, 2018How and Why I migrated from WordPress to static JAM Stack site deployed on Netlify. 20 April, 2018From version 9, Java now has its own interactive REPL console, which is useful for quick checks, prototyping and educational purposes. 02 April, 2018From Servlet 3.0 on, web.xml is optional. How to get rid of it in your Spring MVC app and what is the replacement? 25 March, 2018How and why I migrated from WordPress to static JAM Stack site built with Gatsby JS. 16 February, 2018How to document your Spring Boot REST APIs using Swagger with SpringFox? 13 February, 2018"This" is a very straightforward concept in other languages. Not so in javascript. It can point to pretty much anything depending on the context. 09 February, 2018One of the Javascript's oddities is that you can use variables and functions before they are declared. It's called hoisting. Fortunately, in ES6 let and const variables offer much better behavior. 02 February, 2018What does Javascript's new operator do? What are constructor functions? Why is new criticised and what are the alternatives?